Access Rules

1. User Terms defined in Rules & Regulations:

  • Member –As defined by DPA bylaws and Rules & Regulations.
  • Family – Spouse of member, domestic partner of member, parents of member and spouse, children of member, children of spouse of member and children of domestic partner of member, siblings and siblings in law of member or spouse, nieces and nephews of member and spouse, all grandchildren and grand nephews and nieces of member and spouse. (Does not include cousins of member and spouse)
  • Long Term Renter – A person (or persons) who rents a Dollar Point house for a period 31 or more days.
  • Allowed User – Person (or persons) who apply for and are granted permission to use the recreational facilities by the DPA Board or Manager, whereby DPA may or may not receive compensation.

2. Employees and Contractors – Workers who receive permission by the DPA Manager to enter the DPA facilities to do work authorized by the DPA.

3. Non-Authorized User – A person (or persons) that enters the DPA recreational facilities that does not fit into any of the above categories.

4. All users of the DPA facilities must adhere to the Rules & Regulations.

5. Each member household will receive photo ID membership cards for all individuals listed on the Family Member Listing form. Family Member Listing forms will be provided by DPA and must be submitted to DPA office for Photo ID cards to be issued.

6. ONLY Members, their Family members (as defined above) and accompanied guests, are authorized to access the DPA facilities with a maximum of 12 persons per day per lot. The group maximum of 12 people can be a combination of DPA photo ID carrying Members or Family members and their accompanied guests – with a maximum of 8 accompanied guests per day. Members, family members and accompanied guests are allowed access free of charge.

7. At least one authorized DPA photo ID carrying Member or Family member over the age of 12 must present their Photo ID at the entry gate for accompanied guests to be allowed access.

8. Listing of an individual on the Family Member Listing form may require DPA members to provide the DPA office with document(s) that verify any individual listed on the form is indeed a Family member as defined in these Rules.

9. Each member will have the opportunity to take part in the Member Coupon Program by purchasing an annual coupon booklet containing 12 coupons. Cost of the coupon booklet will be $60 over and above a members regular annual DPA dues and usage of coupons must comply with the published program requirements. More information on the Member Coupon Program is provided below.

10. A member who rents their property long-term (31 or more days) may relinquish their own membership ID cards and allow their tenants to use their member access privileges after presenting a valid contract to DPA office showing the rental/lease period and obtaining long-term renter photo ID cards. The rental property photo ID cards will be effective for the period of the rental/lease and the member may not use the facilities during this time.

11. Residents and property owners of Dollar Point lots, that are not member lots, may not be admitted as guests and may not use the facilities of DPA.

12. DPA reserves the right the limit the number of guests during designated time periods.

13. The DPA recreation facilities shall be open for the summer season beginning the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and ending at 5:00 PM on the evening of the last Sunday in September, weather permitting.

14. Smoking is not permitted on any DPA properties.

15. No individual shall prop any entry gates open or allow access to unauthorized individuals.

16. Courtesy to staff is expected at all times. Any violation of this rule may result in expulsion from the facilities and loss of future access privileges.

17. The DPA Board is vested with the authority and reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or revoke all issued Member and Family member access cards when any such issued card(s) have been used in violation of the access rules. Multiple access rule violations may result in suspension or revocation of access privileges and loss of association membership. Short Term Renters (30 days or less) are not permitted access to DPA facilities, including the beach, pool, and tennis courts. Any Member or family member who allows, permits, or grants unauthorized access to another, whether knowingly or through failure to safeguard such Member’s or family members’ access cards, shall be deemed in violation of the DPA access rules and subject to potential sanctions for such violation(s). If a member advertises Short Term Renter access to DPA amenities in their rental listing(s), the Board may consider that factor in determining the appropriate action to be taken for an access rule violation.


Member Coupon Program (MCP) – New for 2021

The MCP has been put in place for a very specific reason. We know that the core 2021 Access Rules and Regulation meet far and away the majority of the access needs of our members. However, we have learned that a much smaller portion of our overall membership has needs that extend beyond the core access policy and the Board wanted to address those needs.

We know that at times members will have house guests that may want to attend our venues at a time when the Member or a Family member is unable to actually escort those house guests to the DPA venue. For that reason, we are extending the ability for a member to provide that house guest access to DPA venues without escort by a member or family member presenting a valid DPA ID card (a non-escorted guest). These non-escorted guests will be provided access to the DPA venue for the day when they present a valid MCP coupon at the DPA office. These coupons will be limited annually to 12 per DPA member household. The MCP coupons will be an incremental benefit to a DPA member, over and above their core access benefits, and therefore members wishing to utilize this program will incur an additional cost for these coupons over and above their annual DPA dues.

MCP coupons will be sold in booklets of 12 at a booklet cost of $60. Coupons will only be valid for the year purchased. These coupons will be valid only for individuals who are actual houseguests of a DPA member. They will not be valid for individuals that are renting a DPA member house.

Coupons utilized in any manner not consistent with the above guidelines will constitute a violation of DPA Rules and Regulations. Any member involved in coupon use that is not consistent with these requirements will be subject to either suspension or revocation of their DPA access benefits.

The MCP should provide a needed extra benefit to our DPA members. MCP provides an additional flexible way for members to enjoy their membership in DPA.