2nd Late Fee – Annual Dues
The 2023 annual dues that have not been paid by 6/1/23 will be assessed a $900 late fee on top of the $300 late fee and the $1,200 dues.
The 2023 annual dues that have not been paid by 6/1/23 will be assessed a $900 late fee on top of the $300 late fee and the $1,200 dues.
Dollar Point Association will be holding a board meeting on Zoom on June 9, 2023 at 09:00 AM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87421178580?pwd=eUxiSytUVHZXNjA0RGNvWEo0bGluUT09 Meeting ID: 874 2117 8580 Passcode: 835645 One tap mobile +1-669-900-9128,,87421178580#,,,,*835645# Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 874 2117 8580 Passcode: 835645 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k6fPoeorH
Starkey's Food Truck will be catering the first homeowner event of the summer.
From 8am - 9am in Lane 1
From 8am - 9am in Lane 1