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Archives: Events

Final Buoy Day

All boats must be removed from the buoy field for the season no later than Monday, September 28, 2020.

Pool Final Day

The pool will be open for reservations from 9am-5pm by emailing The pool will be closed for the season starting October 1, 2020.

October Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be on October 12, 2020 at 9:00am. You can join the meeting by clicking on this link or by calling the audio connection. To connect with an iphone, dial +16699009128,,8629929629#,,,,,,0#,,190806# and for all other phones dial +1 669 900 9128. The meeting ID is 862 992 9629 and the passcode is Member.

SUP/Kayak Removal

ALL kayaks and SUPs must be removed from the beach on November 1, 2020. Members whose equipment is not removed from the racks by the designated date will be excluded from the following year’s lottery and will be subject to a $200 fine.