Looking for what’s new at Dollar Point? Are there member announcements regarding facilities, committees, DPA board meetings or community info you need to be aware of?

The new website has a page dedicated to Association News (https://www.dollarpoint.org/news-events/association-news). The page provides a listing of all news postings and is searchable by category and month. It’s a fast and easy way to keep up to date.

Starting Friday March 26th, members will receive a short email with news items posted over the last week. The email will include the title, a few brief view of the item and link to the full posting. To see the full article, login to the DPA member website and then click the article link.  You will only receive emails when there is news to share.  

Let us know what you think.


Cailin Jope (asstmanager@dollarpoint.org)
Nate Walker (njwus@comcast.net)