Tennis/Pickleball Survey

Dear Homeowner,

As the 2024 year comes to an end the Dollar Point Tennis / Pickleball committee have been planning for 2025. We created a survey for you to complete which will help guide us in creating an events and activities calendar for you and your family to enjoy next season.

Please complete and submit at your earliest convenience.

Meanwhile we wish you a very happy holiday season.

Thank you,

Dollar Point Tennis / Pickleball Committee
DeeDee Felich, Co-Chair
Jeff Thompson, Co-Chair
Dean Headley
John Lee


Tennis/Pickleball Survey

Capital Project Survey Results Available

Many thanks to all members who participated in the Capital Projects survey last summer. The survey was open from July 16 through Aug 15. We had a total of 245 responses. Duplicates were provided from 32 members. The unique membership inputs were 213 or 40% of the membership. This is a fantastic response! We appreciate your feedback and will use the results to guide our investment decisions going forward. There are many large and small investment ideas. As the Board discusses these items and decides where to invest you will hear about what’s planned.

Bottom Line:
Highest priority is investing in the beach

  • Adding TRPA approved sand
  • Adding Kayak / Paddleboard space and/or optimizing location

Many other ideas and requests

  • Highest of these is more shade and better seating at beach and pool
  • Next highest is more buoys
  • Lots of interest in gym/clubhouse
  • Many smaller investment ideas for beach and pool
  • Some thoughts on additional services
  • Interest in more frequent communication and more surveys
  • Many comments that show appreciation and/or trust in the board
  • Ideas on how to manage the capital project selection process

For the full details click on the following URL:

The summary is 40 pages and contains all inputs received. While long, it is filled with the prioritized inputs from members. A good read! Check it out.

If you have any questions please contact Nate Walker ( and Roger Quinlan (

Facility Closing Dates

We hope everyone enjoyed their summer as it’s officially winding down. Below are the final dates for the facilities.

  • The last day of regular buoy service will be Sunday, September 24th. The pier attendants will be available for limited hours through September 30th to help members who need to remove their boats. Please contact the office if you need help removing your boat after September 24th
  • Kayak and paddleboards must be removed from the beach rack by November 1st
  • The final day for the pool will be September 30th
  • Tennis and pickleball courts will remain open until first snow. A notice will be sent out when we anticipate closing down the courts

Thank you for another great season!

Pickleball on Court 1

As of June 11, 2022, pickleball will be moved to Court 1. Please take note when making online reservations that Court 1 has been split into two options and if tennis is to be played then both sides of the court need to be reserved.

Tennis Court Season Close

The Upper and Lower tennis courts will be closed down for the season on Thursday, December 9th. The tennis courts will reopen in April/May when the snow has melted.

Website Survey – Summary Now Available

As of Sept 1 we have 102 respondents to the website survey. That’s 19% of our membership.  Many thanks to all who participated.

The feedback provides validation we are on the right path. Of course, there are several areas where we can improve the member experience.

Highlights are as follows:
User experience:

  • 68% of respondents rate the experience as excellent or very good
  • 90% of respondents use the site multiple times per month
  • The mobile phone experience needs tuning

Online reservations:

  • 26% of respondents use the online reservations (pool or tennis)
  • Several inputs indicate how we can improve the existing reservation system

Online payments:

  • 75% of respondents prefer to see payment made via the website

Separately from the survey we have been tracking site usage.  Usage as of Sept 1:

  • 73% of members have logged into the website at least once
  • 146 members have not logged into the new site, the number is higher if sub-accounts are included.
  • We have an opportunity to broaden membership usage

The following file provides the summary for each of the survey questions.  All text comments have been organized to provide a view of the topical mentions. Happy to have a discussion or address questions regarding the summary content. 

July/Aug 2021 Website Survey Results – Sept 2021

Stay Safe and Well,

Nate Walker

Committee Annual Reports – Tennis Now Available

Committees drive our community. Communication of committee results improves community transparency. During the recent annual meeting several members expressed interest in committee annual reports. Specifically, posting annual reports on the committee website pages for all members to review. The following reports are now posted for member review. The intent is to provide a quick, one page report of accomplishments over the past year.

Tennis Committee 2020/2021 annual report

More committee reports will be available in the near future.

Questions or comments on the reports? Let the committee chairs know what you think.

Stay safe and well.

Website Survey Closed – Summary in Process

A sincere THANK YOU to all the members who participated in the website survey!  The response rate from active users was 26%, a great turnout!  Lots of positive feedback.  Lots of constructive input on where to improve.  

The website committee is now in the process of summarizing the data and comments.  When complete the summary will be posted for member review.  Then, we will incorporate the feedback into our plans for the 2021/2022 season.  

Stay Safe and Well, 

Nate Walker