Basketball Hoop

A basketball hoop has been placed on the upper tennis courts on court 3. Basketballs are available to use at the office or members may bring their own ball. The hoop will be available for 1-hour max reservations, members can call or stop by the office to make reservations.

Beach Rack Opening

This Saturday, May 1, 2021, the beach rack will open for storage for all members with the appropriate sticker. Paddleboards and kayaks may be stored on the beach rack (until November 1, 2021) with the spot assigned on the sticker. Daily audits will be run by staff to ensure that members are on the appropriate spot and that no one is poaching spots. If you do not plan on using your paddleboard or kayak spot, please let the office know as we have a very long waitlist!

Firewise – Thank You for Donations to Date

Many thanks to our members who made donations to fund our Firewise projects in 2021.  In the last 45 days we have received $1855.  This is significant progress to close the gap.

If you missed the announcement in February, please consider making a donation today.  

In 2020 the DPA Board made the dumpster days, hydrant painting and Firewise signage possible by allocating funding toward these projects to reduce fire risk in Dollar Point. For 2021 the DPA board has increased the Firewise funding allocation 70%. However, the amount will not meet the projected expenses for this year. The Board has asked that we request member donations and continue to apply for funding grants to help offset the increasing costs.

The Firewise committee is asking for donations to help fund 2021 Firewise projects that reduce wildfire risk to your home and DPA facilities. Please consider a $20, $50 or other amount to help keep Dollar Point fire safe.

See the Firewise Donation PDF for instructions on how to donate.

Many thanks from the Firewise Committee!

Stay Safe!

Firewise Landscaping Workshop for Homeowners

See the info below for the April 7th workshop.  The session will also be recorded and posted.  

Tahoe Living With Fire’s workshops are posted on YouTube. You will find the Home Retrofit Workshops here: 

Living With Fire’s Workshops (UNR Extension) are posted on their website. The Firewise Landscaping workshop will likely be posted here:  

Stay Safe!


Firewise Landscaping Workshop for Homeowners – Learn about recommended plants to reduce the wildfire threat.

Contact: Jamie Roice-Gomes, University of Nevada, Reno Extension,

LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. – Residents are invited to join a free virtual workshop to learn about landscaping to reduce the wildfire threat.

Hosted by the Living With Fire and Tahoe Living With Fire programs, with support from University of Nevada Reno, Extension, the workshop will feature presenter, Wendy Hanson Mazet, a certified arborist and Extension plant diagnostician. She will provide tips on which plants are recommended around the home to reduce the threat of wildfire.

Date: April 7th I 6:00 -7:30 PST


“Spring is a great time to create and maintain defensible space around your home,” said Jamie Roice-Gomes, Living With Fire Program manager. “Defensible space is the area between a home and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been managed to reduce the wildfire threat. If firefighters are unavailable to defend the home, defensible space can increase the chances of a home’s survivability. Wendy’s extensive background in horticulture and arboriculture can help with plant selection around one’s home.”

The workshop is part of an online workshop series: “Living With Fire Virtual Series”. The online series covers presentations about landscaping, wildfire preparedness, prescribed fire and more.

For questions about the workshop contact:

Lake Tahoe fire districts provide free defensible space inspections and curbside chipping services to Tahoe residents. To learn more about these services and defensible space in your region, visit .


About the Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team

The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team (TFFT) consists of representatives of Tahoe Basin fire agencies, CAL FIRE, Nevada Division of Forestry and related state agencies, University of California and Nevada Cooperative Extensions, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the USDA Forest Service, conservation districts from both states, the California Tahoe Conservancy and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Our Mission is to protect lives, property and the environment within the Lake Tahoe Basin from wildfire by implementing prioritized fuels reduction projects and engaging the public in becoming a Fire Adapted Community.

For more information, visit

Firewise Certificate – For Member Use With Insurance Companies

Many members have ask for copies of the DPA Firewise Certificate to share with insurance companies.  The certificate demonstrates that our Dollar Point community is certified by Firewise USA in recognition of the community wide commitment to wildfire safety.

Download the certificate and share with your insurance company when requesting insurance renewal, discounts or a new policy.

The certificate is also posted on the Fire Awareness page.  

DPA News Summary – Coming on Fridays

Looking for what’s new at Dollar Point? Are there member announcements regarding facilities, committees, DPA board meetings or community info you need to be aware of?

The new website has a page dedicated to Association News ( The page provides a listing of all news postings and is searchable by category and month. It’s a fast and easy way to keep up to date.

Starting Friday March 26th, members will receive a short email with news items posted over the last week. The email will include the title, a few brief view of the item and link to the full posting. To see the full article, login to the DPA member website and then click the article link.  You will only receive emails when there is news to share.  

Let us know what you think.


Cailin Jope (
Nate Walker (

Fire Safety News Items and Info

Hi All,

Here are a few quick updates on Fire safety for all DPA members.

Tahoe fire agencies working to burn hazardous fuels around the Tahoe basin. See this article in the Sierra Sun for details on timing and process:

Looking for more info on home hardening against wildfires. See the following video: Home Hardening and Wildfire Catastrophe Modeling ( . Best segments are from 22:45-34:45 and 47:00-55:10.

Firewise will impact California insurance rates with your help. Please send your comments to Alex Stone at the CA Department of Insurance. See the March 13 email newsletter for details on how to provide comments and support. The California Department of Insurance has postponed the March 30 public discussion. See the notice issued below.

Stay Safe and Healthy.

March 24, 2021

This announcement is to advise you that the California Department of Insurance is postponing the prenotice public discussions regarding Mitigation in Rating Plans and Wildfire Risk Models, previously scheduled for March 30, 2021.

The new date for these prenotice public discussions will be announced in the near future.
As an interested stakeholder, you will receive a revised invitation to the rescheduled prenotice public discussions at least three weeks in advance of the date of the rescheduled event. We will also post the invitation to register for the rescheduled prenotice public discussions on our website at the following webpage (see link).
If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please direct them to the contact persons identified below.

Contact Persons.
All substantive questions and concerns regarding the contemplated regulations and/or these public discussions should be directed to Alec Stone.

Substantive Inquiries and Comments
Alec Stone, Attorney III
California Department of Insurance
300 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 492-3596

RSVP and Logistical Inquiries
Kathryn Taras, Analyst
California Department of Insurance
300 Capitol Mall, 16th floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 492-3675

Firewise Donations – Need Your Help

The DPA board made the dumpster days, hydrant painting and Firewise signage possible by allocating funding toward these projects to reduce fire risk in Dollar Point. For 2021 the DPA board has increased the Firewise funding allocation 70%. However, the amount will not meet the projected expenses for this year. The Board has asked that we request member donations and continue to apply for funding grants to help offset the increasing costs.

The Firewise committee is asking for donations to help fund 2021 Firewise projects that reduce wildfire risk to your home and DPA facilities. Please consider a $20, $50 or other amount to help keep Dollar Point fire safe.

See the Firewise Donation PDF for instructions on how to donate.

Many thanks from the Firewise Committee!

Stay Safe!

2021 Buoy and Beach Packet

The 2021 Buoy and Beach Packet is ready!

The packet has been mailed to all members as of 2/12/2021. The packet is also available for download on the website under the Boating page. We will have three different DocuSign packets available upon request, one for buoy and beach rack, one only for buoy, and one only for beach rack. Please keep in mind, in order to be eligible for the lottery members will need to send in their boat registration, boat insurance, and deposit check for all items requested.

All mailed packets must be postmarked by February 28, 2021 to be eligible for the lottery. The lottery will be held on March 8, 2021 over Zoom.

Download: 2021 Buoy & Beach Packet